Tag Archives: Election 2020

Be wary of politicians offering simple solutions

They say you should beware of Greeks bearing gifts. We should probably also be wary of politicians offering simple solutions. The Democratic presidential field is winnowing as we approach “Super Tuesday.” For the most part, there isn’t much distinction between the candidates. Even the non-Democrats — socialist Bernie Sanders and recently-independent technocrat Michael Bloomberg — […]

Punxsutawney Phil 2020

I can’t believe I let such a momentous occasion pass without comment. Three weeks ago,  Punxsutawney Phil failed to see his shadow. So an early spring is on its way. Days get longer. Weather gets warmer. And things come into bloom. Like Michael Bloomberg. The former New York City mayor has made quite a splash […]

The importance of political spending is overblown

Cash. Money. Scratch. Moo-lah. Whatever you want to call it, it is in the political news. Much has been made of former Vice President Joe Biden’s poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire. It has had a second-order effect; his fundraising is drying up. This isn’t fatal for the former vice president. The role of […]

All impeachment outcomes are bad for Democrats

It’s impeachment time. The House of Representatives now has before it Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump. There are two possible results — the articles pass, or they fail. If they pass, then focus turns to the United States Senate. The Senate — surprisingly to some — has three possible options. They could fail […]

If we want to reduce student loan debt, we have to look at college costs

I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. — J. Wellington Wimpy. If you’re of a certain age, that quote probably seems familiar. You might even be part of the generation at the heart of one of the world’s newest memes. OK, boomers? That said, Wimpy’s quip is informative to one of the greatest policy […]